The Liquid Confidence Your Golf Game Needs.

As golfers there’s one thing that binds us together - The relentless pursuit of improving our game.

That’s why we created Birdie Nectar. It’s the first-of-its-kind, nutritious and delicious supplement drink designed to give every golfer that little extra boost they need to take their game to the next level, no matter how high or low the handicap.

Oh, and by the way, it tastes frickin’ amaze-balls.

Shop The Nectar!

Birdie Nectar's "Trinity" of Peak Golf Performance

Sure, there have been other drinks out there, but none have been meticulously formulated to the exact demanding specifications that are needed to increase focus, energy, and hydration.

What we refer to as the “Birdie Nectar Trinity" of peak golf performance.

  • Focus


  • Energy


  • Hydration


No Shortcuts Or "Proprietary Blends"

Click below to read about the Birdie Nectar Dream Team of ingredients:

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Besides helping to keep your nervous system firing on all cylinders, niacin is a B vitamin used to turn food into energy and your digestive system healthy.

Ever wonder what happens to those 4 glizzies you pound at the turn?... Well, thanks to Birdie Nectar, those dogs just became fuel.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is critical to the manufacture of red blood cells, as well as sex hormones. It also promotes healthy liver function, particularly useful when coming off a weekend bende - *cough* - I mean, golf trip with the boys.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is important for brain development and supporting a healthy immune system. Vitamin B6 plays a critical role in the breakdown of fats.

Just imagine how good John Daly would look if he binged Birdie Nectar instead of Diet Coke.

Vitamin B12

High levels of vitamin B12 have been associated with better chances of recovery from major depressive disorder. Your pathetic hack of a golf swing got you feeling down?...

Not any more.


If you’ve ever needed a laundry list of reasons to get zinc in your diet, here it is: 

Immune function, healthy cell growth, preserving prostate health, sexual health, and maintaining healthy hormone levels are all in a hard day’s work for this underappreciated mineral.


Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body of the below average, overweight golfer such as; supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production. 

Why exercise when you can just drink Birdie Nectar instead?


No need to go for a banana or fruit cup when the cart girl rolls around, binge on whatever your heart desires. 

Birdie Nectar’s got enough potassium to maintain normal levels of fluid inside your cells no matter how hot it is on the golf course.


Ever hear of vasodilation? Ya us either. Word on the street says that L-citrulline does a lot of it though, which helps widen your blood vessels, improve blood flow, build muscle, and increase length…

Off the tee.


Another amino acid, L-theanine is used to improve mental function. It is also used for anxiety, mental impairment, stress, and other conditions related to sucking at golf.

Still, there is no better solution to overcome these conditions than binging golf swing videos on Youtube in the course parking lot before your round.


Zynamite® has been shown to enhance attention during cognitive task performance, improving reaction time and reducing cognitive fatigue while keeping the heart-rate and blood pressure without change. 

Call us crazy, but this ingredient alone is the single-best thing to happen to our handicap since the invention of the foot wedge.


America’s favorite stimulant, caffeine is a tried and true way to improve athletic performance, increase alertness, boost brain function, and develop an unintended addiction. 

At 120 mg per serving, this is just enough to scratch the itch.


AlphaSize® is a compound that can enhance brain metabolism to improve focus, memory, cognitive response, and sports performance. 

A secret of some of the world’s elite bodybuilders, Birdie Nectar’s bringing heightened "mind-muscle" connection to the golf course.

Huperzine A

Unless you just hozzle-rocketed your approach OB after your best drive of the day, memory loss is never a good thing. That’s why we went above-and-beyond to add huperzine A to our blend. 

Evidence suggests that this substance not only improves cognitive function in patients with Alzheimers and Dementia, but that it also improves mental and physical stamina for athletes.

We Mean Business

We’re so confident that Birdie Nectar will become your new favorite drink, that if it doesn’t live up to every single one of your unrealistic and obsessive expectations (you are a golfer after all), we’ll happily refund your purchase and let you keep the nectar.

Shop The Nectar!